I have been involved in the training of translators since the mid 1990s, and more recently in the teaching of theoretical subjects and supervisions in the field of Translation Studies.
Since Feb. 2014: For the Universidade Nova de Lisboa (FCSH-UNL):
- History of Translation and Theory of Translation on the BA in Translation prgoramme
- Translation of the Scientific Text and History and Theory of Translation on the MA in Translation programme
2008-2015: For the University of Coimbra (FLUL):
- Theory of Interpreting (2014-2015) and Portuguese-English Translation II (2008) on the MA in Translation (2008)
2006-2007: For the British Council, Coimbra:
- Designed and taught postgraduate course preparing students for the Institute of Linguists’ Diploma in Translation.
1995-2001: For the Catholic University, Viseu:
· Designed and coordinated the Postgraduate Course in Translation, on which I also taught Theory of Translation and Consecutive and Simultaneous Interpreting (2004-2005);
· Taught General Translation (Portuguese/English) (1995-2000) and Specialised Translation (Technical and Literary, Portuguese/English) (1996-2001) on the Undergraduate Language Courses (English/French; English/German; Portuguese/English).
Oct.’96-Feb-’97: Taught Specialized Translation and Interpretation II on the Bachelors’ Degree Course in Translation at Leiria School of Management and Technology.
1995-8: Designed and taught courses for translators and interpreters for Poliglota Serviços Lingúisticos (intensive preparatory courses and short maintenance courses).